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Help and Hope

Recovery How it Works


"We have recovered,

and have been given the power to help others."

Big Book of AA Page 132

Bridge into the Woods

Who We Are

Meeting for All

Tried everything but still hopeless and miserable? That was us!

We alcoholics, codependents, drug addicts, overeaters, sex addicts, debtors, love addicts and many others as well as our families and friends have recovered. We are a fellowship who, as part of our own recovery, try to help others. Join us on the road of happy destiny.

"We have recovered, and have been given the power to help others" Big Book of AA Page 132 


"I'm finally on solid, spiritual ground" - Tina N

"My past now has a useful, joyful purpose" - Nicole C

"It's a better life than I've ever known" - Lisa B

"God's doing for me what I can't do for myself" - Dave S

"I found a new way of living - infinitely better - one that solves all problems" - Bobby J

"I have daily assurance of peace and recovery through these 12 steps" -Jenny G. 

"I am no longer at the mercy of fear and anxiety."  -Mackenzie M

"My life keeps getting better and better as I put it in Higher Power's hands" - Kathleen

"Growing in understanding and effectiveness is a life saving gift."  -Kashi B

"No one was going to save me.  I had to save myself and it all started with five powerful words: Will you help me, please." -Heather H. 

"I trust in my Higher Power and walk with Him each day in recovery." - Mark A.

Our meetings: 

Sunday Big Book Study for All - 2pm EST
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 892 1036 6144
Passcode: 12345

Telephone call in instructions click here


Wednesday Big Book Study for All - 9pm EST

Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 883 3999 8316
Passcode: 12345

Telephone call in instructions click here

Our Podcast: The Story of How We Recovery, 12 Steps and the Big Book

To listen visit here


Meeting Documents

“… it became customary to set apart one night a week for a meeting to be attended by anyone or everyone interested in a spiritual way of life.”  -Big Book of AA Page 159

Beach at Sunset

12 Step

Recovery Groups

"Each group has but one primary purpose - to carry its message to those who still suffer." 

Adapted from Alcoholics Anonymous Tradition Five

Meeting for All - Wednesday 9pm EST

Wednesday Big Book Study for All -  9PM EST


Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 883 3999 8316
Passcode: 12345

Telephone call in instructions click here

“… it became customary to set apart one night a week for a meeting to be attended by anyone or everyone interested in a spiritual way of life.”  -Big Book of AA Page 159

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Primary Purpose 12 Step Recovery Meetings

Practicing these principles in all our affairs.

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